This year Estonia celebrates the 55th anniversary of CEF ministries in different forms and 30 years of TCE courses. Thousands of children have been taught the Gospel and bring already their children and grandchildren to Sunday Schools and Good News Clubs.

Believers have been taught to teach children the wonderful Gospel of Jesus. In February 2024 we finished our Teaching Children Effectively – leve1 course in Tallinn. Triin was one of the trained teachers who completed the practicals with excellency.

She serves the children in a little town Saue in North-Estonia close to our capital City Tallinn. In this county around the town there are over 5,700 children up to 14 years old.

Triin accepted the Lord as her personal Saviour at the age of 12 and feels her calling to be prepared for more. She is already helping to record the material for (, does translations for curriculum and teaches children with great enthusiasm.

Help her to get deeper in the knowledge of children’s ministries in CMLC. You can even become part of her ministry after CMLC.

Triin plans to take first part of CMLC in Romania this coming summer and the second part next year.

Each worker can reach more than 1,000 children with the Gospel per year. Will you be in her team to reach that goal!

We need your help!

1st part of CMLC: 7 July  – 17 August 2024

The place: Sibiu, Romania (CEF training centre)

The cost € 1,500 (flights and accommodation costs)

CEF Estonia team is grateful for your support, so that we can have wonderful co-worker, teacher and translator in our team.

Pray for the children of Estonia!

Help us to reach more than 220 000 children in Estonia by teaching them and train others to do so.

Pray for the new trained teachers.

€1.500 of €1.500 raised

Support the ministry of Estonia

Pray for the children of Estonia

Pray for another trained worker, who will in turn be able to reach many children with the Gospel. Pray God will provide for this important need.

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