Camp Centre – CEF Greece

Greek CEF owns a 2-acre campsite close to Thessaloniki. Many children have heard the good news of salvation there in the last 25 years. The three old dorms needed to be demolished. The two new dorms were built beginning of 2023. The first dorm is completely finished. The second dorm needs doors & windows (cost of Project # 1: €15.000). An old wooden cabin needs to be insulated, windows and new roof (Project # 2: €4.000). The third dorm will be built if God will send the money (cost of Project # 3: €150.000).

 Please, pray with us that God will send the needed money to finish the Greek CEF camp, so that many more orphan, Gypsy, refugee and immigrant children will be hosted and have the opportunity to hear about the Lord.

We need your help!

Please prayerfully consider:

1. Praying for the ministry of CEF Greece – please contact us for more details.

2. Giving a gift. You can give online or via one of our National Offices.

€0 of €169.000 raised

Support the ministry of Greece

Pray for the children of Greece!

Please pray for the camp centre for the children of Greece!