What if I asked you to describe Italy in three words? Perhaps you would say sun, pizza and mafia. But Italy is very much more than that, with its museums and works of art, surrounded by seas and rich of culinary traditions spread all over the country, the so-called boot.

In the land of spaghetti and sun live about sixty million people, about eight million of which under the age of 14, the ones C.E.F. Italy [called U.E.B.] wants to reach with the Gospel. Every year many children are evangelized, with passion and tenacity, through special programs from north to south.

Our workers train those who already teach or have the desire to do so, helping to be best prepared for such an important ministry through specific courses that blend the theory with the practice.

And here comes the interesting part …

Two ladies who took these courses enrolled in the CMLC to take place in Ireland this Fall.

Ioana and Sarah are not proficient in English and, therefore, they will need an interpreter for three months in order to follow the classes, to do the homework and the practicals. Thanks to God, Marcella volunteered to interpret for them free of charge.

However, all three of them have travel expenses and they must pay room and board.

Even though they can cover part of the costs, they do need financial help to pay all the expenses. Therefore, we trust in the generosity of supporters like you to make all this possible.

Your donation will allow them to cover such expenses and costs, estimated to be € 5,000.

Thank you so much for your help and your partnership!!

May the LORD bless you and reward you for your generosity, to the glory of God!!

€0 of €5.000 raised

Support the ministry of Italy

Pray for the children of Italy

Pray for trained workers who will take the Gospel to the children of Italy.

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