Peter and Radka Petrovi serve in the area of Burgas, at the Black Sea. They are serving in mainly Roma communities. They are traveling every day for Good News Clubs.

Last Christmas they were going to Fakia for the Christmas Together project, when their car broke. They called a friend who gave them his car with the words: Here go to finish your important work.

They fixed the car, but next week on the way to another area, something else broke and they were again without a car. They are praying for a newer car. The one they have is 20 years old and needs a lot of repairs.

Would you be willing to pray and support Peter and Radka in their need of a better car so they could continue reach out to the Roma community around Bourgas?

Pray together with us that God will raise up more people with a vision and heart for this important work.

God bless you!

We need your help!

Peter and Radka need to replace their 20 year old car in order to continue ministry in Bulgaria. They estimate that with 5,000 euros they can replace their current car. What a blessing this would be to their ministry.

With much travelling to do, a car is necessary for the ministry. Your gift will help us to get closer to our goal. Thank you for your prayers and gifts so that children in Bulgaria can hear the Good News!

CEF – Bulgaria

€30 of €5.000 raised

Support the ministry of Bulgaria

Pray for the children of Bulgaria

Isn’t it wonderful that there are workers in Bulgaria who are committed to taking the Gospel? Your gift for this project will make a huge difference and enable us to continue this important work.