There is HOPE! At times of difficulty, challenge or problems that seem to overwhelm us, it is so wonderful to know that there is hope!
Our focus and prayers have been for the country of Turkey over the last number of years. However, recent events, have prompted us to do more.
Budget needed: €70,000
- 5,000 Hope for Turkey backpacks to give to children (Do You Wonder Why booklet, pen and something sweet)
- 25,000 pens with information to find the Gospel online (QR code for https://www.hazinebul.com and Do You Wonder Why online
- 10,000 Gifts for children (QR code for video and https://www.hazinebul.com)
QR code will be put on gifts for children for DYWW flip booklet and video.
If you are able to give towards this cost, to encourage believers in Turkey to take the wonderful message of HOPE to their children, what a wonderful blessing!
Sometimes just knowing that someone thought of you, prayed for you, gave a gift for you, gives you hope. And if that gift includes the wonderful words of Life, then it is all worth while!
Let’s tell the children of Turkey that there is HOPE, because HOPE is found in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let’s pray and give so that children in Turkey know true HOPE!
We need to pray. Will you join with us.
1. Pray for the children of Turkey. Many (most) do not know the Saviour and do not know the HOPE that can be found only in Him.
2. Pray for wisdom in working together with mission organisations and churches to offer HOPE for the children of Turkey.
3. Pray that God would pour out His Spirit upon the land of Turkey like we have not seen in our lifetime.
4. Pray for a team of workers to administer the Hope for Turkey project.
We need financial support. Can you join us?
Support ministry in Turkey