Hi I’m Clara Barcelos, I’ve been working with CEF Portugal on the Islands for 30 years. The ministry consists of Good News Clubs, camps and other special activities . I’m involved in translating material, as well as being a counsellor and translator on our website espacodeaventura.com (wondersurf.com).

There are currently 6 Good News Clubs taking place every week in the Azores.
It has been a great challenge in recent years to
encourage children to attend Good News Clubs. Children are involved in so many activities after school that they don’t have time to come to the clubs, they’re too overwhelmed with things, and on top of that there’s technology, which is addictive in this age group. They get tired.

However, God, who is sovereign, always gives us many joys, even when we don’t think, we are surprised by these ‘gifts’ that the Lord brings us, to remind us that He is the Lord of the work.

We need your help!

My means of transport for the activities is a car: a seven-seater Dacia Logan Dci 90cv that has served me for 13 years now. I need transport for the various ministries that I am involved in and this car is no longer reliable and in need of repair. It is starting to cost too much to repair it and so a new car project has been approved.

I am praying that God will provide the needed finances for a new vehicle to be a blessing to the ministry that God has called me to.

I will sell my current car, but am praying that God will provide all that is needed for this replacement car.

Total cost: €19,000

The car is a great need for the development of the work here in the Azores. Every direct activity with children, I have to travel by car, and also when I do camps or special activities.
Please consider praying and giving for the ministry in the Azores by supporting this project.
God bless you!
€100 of €19.000 raised

Support the ministry of the Azores

Pray for the children of the Azores

Pray for the children learning about God through the wondersurf website. We’d like to see more children taking part and seeking out the activities that are available to them. We try to keep up to date, posting new things, so that the children feel motivated to come regularly. Please pray for the children of the Azores!