If someone would have asked me in February 2022, “How long will the war in Ukraine last?” I am sure that I would not have said 3 years. And yet here we are, 3 years later. No one would have wished for this, but at the same time we have marvelled at God’s grace, sustaining power and the resillence, determination and faith of the Ukrainian team.

The Apostle Paul said, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18

This verse brings great hope to the believers in Ukraine. Yes, we are suffering, but one day, God will make all things right.

The Hope for Ukraine project was started to meet a very real need that only God can fulfil – HOPE and for the past three years, our Hope for Ukraine project has united believers worldwide to support the dedicated workers of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Ukraine—faithful men and women who continue sharing the Gospel despite the hardships of war.

The need to support and encourage workers does not end in 1 – 2 months. The need to support our workers requires faithful prayer partners and ministry supporters, day by day and month by month. We want to continue to stand with them through these challenging times.

In order to do this most effectively, we have planned a trip from March 31 – April 4, 2025, to personally encourage, equip, and refresh the team and we would love for you to join us in your prayers and through your support.

Our Mission

With your help, we will:

  • Host a conference for CEF workers, covering all their costs for travel, accommodation, and meals, so that this is not a burden for them.
  • Listen, pray, and encourage them as they persevere in ministry.
  • Provide training and resources to strengthen their work.
  • Visit communities to share hope, meet children, and distribute backpacks with literature, food, and sweets.

How You Can Help?

We estimate a cost of €8,000 for:

  • 💙 Travel & lodging for CEF workers
  • 💙 Meals & seminar materials
  • 💙 Backpacks for children
  • 💙 Community outreach

Be a Part of the Mission

Suffering and hardship are a part of life, but what a joy to know that you and I can be used of God to bring hope and encouragement even in the most challenging of circumstances.

Let’s give back to those who have given so much and trust God to impact lives for eternity.

Would you prayerfully consider donating today?

📢 Pray for Ukraine. Give for Ukraine. Stand with Ukraine.

€900 of €8.000 raised

Support the Mission Trip to Ukraine

Pray for the children of Ukraine

We are so thankful to God that the team of CEF workers are continuing to take the Gospel. They need our support! Let’s continue to stand with them at this critical time.

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