“What I appreciate the most is that you came all the way to us and taught us how to share the Good News efficiently with boys and girls. Being the mother of a baby, it is difficult for me to travel to the Capital for any training or to get materials, but having you here for these two days is a great blessing for me and the children I serve.” A teacher from Cantemir district.
I praise the Lord for His help in holding a training every Saturday from the middle of September till the end of October. I praise Him for all 93 teachers willing to learn during those training how to share the Gospel with children in Moldova in a way that every child will be able to understand and be changed for God’s glory.
Valentina told me in a TCE 1 training break: “I have used CEF materials for many years, and reading the text I often ask myself why they add so much to the story. Now it is clear to me, that all that text, was the Gospel shared through the Central truth of the story and applied to Kids’ lives.”
For training, teens ministry and office management I need a new car. The car I am using at the moment is from 2006, started to break often, and I don’t dare to use it for long travelling. At the moment I choose to travel with another colleague or to borrow someone’s car for the coming training.
Pray with me:
**To be an encouragement for each teacher attending the coming courses and for those that will attend the Christmas training.
**For each trained teacher and their ministry among the children in Moldova
**Ask for God’s protection on every trip.
**And for €14,000 needed for the new car.
Help me travel and encourage each teacher to reach with passion and effectively many boys and girls in Moldova.
Help me travel by giving using the donate button or by sharing the project with your friends.
Support the ministry of Republic Moldova
Pray for the children of Republic Moldova
As we train teachers and invest in lives, they in turn reach children with the Gospel. Please pray for the teachers and children they reach in Republic Moldova!